(707) 226-5533 Book an Appointment
A woman smiles at a child in a light blue shirt who is standing and holding onto rails indoors.

For first time parents, there’s a lot to learn. From when to schedule well checks to how often – or how much – to feed your child, not a detail goes overlooked. The same goes for their smile! Long before your child can ever start to brush their teeth, it’s time to start planning your family’s first trip to see a pediatric dentist.

By Age One

Our practice follows the recommendations set forth by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, which recommends a dental screening for all children by their first birthday. Why so young? Because by age one, most of your child’s teeth are already developing well below the gumlines. Our pediatric dental team can screen for irregularities that impact things like:

  • Nursing or bottle feeding
  • Speech or tongue ties
  • Potential future orthodontic problems

When the First Tooth Pops Through

If your child gets his or her first tooth before their birthday, go ahead and schedule their first dental checkup. At Alora Dentistry & Implant Center, our goal is to help your little one start their smile off on the right track. Sometimes infants are born with “milk teeth” that may make feeding difficult.

Before There’s a Problem

Early, routine pediatric dental care is an essential step in ensuring your child has a healthy smile as an adult. At Alora Dentistry & Implant Center, we promote preventive therapies that reduce or eliminate a child’s risk of oral disease. But if a problem does pop up, routine visits allow us to intercede when the issue is smaller and easier to correct.

Call Alora Dentistry & Implant Center today to schedule your family’s first visit!

Posted on behalf of Alora Dentistry & Implant Center

917 Trancas Street, Suite A
Napa, CA 94558

Phone: (707) 226-5533

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917 Trancas Street, Suite A
Napa, CA 94558


(707) 226-5533

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Monday - Thursday
7 am - 5 pm
7 am - 4 pm

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